Selcuk Guide - Travel Information

Izmir, Turkey, Europe
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Selcuk Travel Information:

The town, located on the western edge of the Aegean Region of Turkey, lies 73 kilometers South of Izmir on the Izmir-Aydın highway, and 9 kilometers east of Pamucak, which is on the seashore and has clean natural sandy beaches and crystal clear waters. Selcuk has an area of 295 square kilometers. The region enjoys a typical Mediterranean climate. The cultivation of cotton, olives, grapes, peaches and citrus fruits is the driving force in the economy, in addition to the tourism industry. The town can about 10.000 visitors. Selcuk can be reached by air either via the Adnan Menderes Airport at Izmir, or by the Selcuk-Efes Airfield. The ports at Kusadası and Izmir facilitate sea travel. Because of its location on a major highway, the bus connections to the neighbouring cities and towns. Selcuk, the beginning of whose history date back to 6000 B. C., is an important center for three religions, all of which spread throughout the world. It was first a center of pagan worship in the polytheist world of antiquity. The Temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the world, is a good example of this. Christianity was disseminated from Selcuk by St. John and his disciples. The Church of the Virgin Mary, the Church of St. John, and the Tomb of St. John are important buildings from this period. The Isabey Mosque is a significant example of architecture from the Islamic era. The famous Camel Wrestling Festival takes place on the third weekend of January each year, and Selcuk-Ephesus Festival of Culture, Art and Tourism is held in the first week of each September.

House of Virgin Mary is located on the top of the "Bulbul" mountain 9 km ahead of Ephesus, the shrine of Virgin Mary enjoys a marvelous atmosphere hidden in the green. It is the place where Mary may have spent her last days. Indeed, she may have come in the area together with Saint John, who spent several years in the area to spread Christianity. Mary preferred this remote place rather than living in crowded place.

The house of Virgin Mary is a typical Roman architectural example, entirely made of stones. In the 4th century AD, a church, combining her house and grave, has been built. The original two-stored house, which consisted of an anteroom (where today candles are proposed), bedroom and praying room (Christian church area) and a room with fireplace (chapel for Muslims). A front kitchen fell into ruins and has been restored in 1940's. Today, only the central part and a room on the right of the altar are open to visitors. From there one can understand that this building looks more like a church than a house. Another interesting place is the "Water of Mary", a source to be found at the exit of the church area and where a rather salt water, with curative properties, can be drunk by all.

Paul VI was the first pope to visit this place in the 1960's. Later, in the 1980's, during his visit, Pope John-Paul II declared the Shrine of Virgin Mary has a pilgrimage place for Christians. It is also visited by Muslims who recognize Mary as the mother of one of their prophets. Every year, on August 15th a ceremony is organized to commemorate Mary's Assumption.

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