Demre Guide - Travel Information

Antalya, Turkey, Europe
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Demre Travel Information:

Demre is a town and its surrounding district in the Antalya Province on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, named after the river Demre.Demre is on the coast of the Teke peninsula, west of the bay of Antalya, with the Taurus Mountains behind.Myra was one of the most important cities in ancient Lycia. Coins have been found dating back to 300 BC, but logically the city must have been founded centuries earlier. The city thrived as part of the Roman Empire and many public buildings were built. Places of interest: The Roman theatre and other remains of Roman Myra, in the town of Demre. Tombs carved into the rocks. The antique cities of Andriake and Simena. A boat trip to the islands and sunken ruins of Kekova.

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