Kocarli‎ Guide - Travel Information

Aydin, Turkey, Europe
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Kocarli‎ Travel Information:

Kocarlı is a town and a district of Aydın Province, in the Aegean region of Turkey, 24 km from the city of Aydın. This is an attractive district of agricultural villages in the middle of the Buyuk Menderes River valley on hillsides above the Kocarlı River.

Places of interest: Kocarlı is notable for a mosque, tower, and other landmark buildings built by the 18th century - 19th century feudal lords of the region who were native to Kocarlı, the Cihanoğlu family. Their biggest monument is the castle in the village of Cincin. The ruins of the ancient city of Amyzon (Mazın), in the village of Akmescit, 30km south of Kocarlı. The Traditional Pine Nut Festival attracts many visitors to the town, held every year at the end of May.

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