Bogazkale Guide - Travel Information

Corum, Turkey, Europe
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Bogazkale Travel Information:

Bogazkale is a district of Çorum Province in the Black Sea region of Turkey. It is located at 87 km from the city of Çorum. Formerly known as Boğazköy or Boghazköy, this small town sits in a rural area on the road from Çorum to Yozgat. Boğazkale is best known as the site of Hattusa and Yazılıkaya and the area attracts visitors in the summer and there are restaurants near the historical sites, and stalls selling local handicrafts.Boğazkale is the site of the ancient Hittite city of Hattusa. Because of its rich historic and architectural heritage, Boğazkale is a member of the Norwich-based European Association of Historic Towns and Regions.

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